The admit card for the 2024 Bihar Board Matric special and compartment exams will be released today by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). The dates of the 2024 Bihar Board Matric compartment theory exams are set for May 4–11, and the 10th compartment practicals are scheduled for April 29–30.
Official notice
In an official notice, BSEB requested that the head of the school in question can download the admit card of each candidate taking the examination from the website and make sure the candidate signs and seals it. Additionally, the head of the school must keep track of the admit card distribution register.
The head of the school and the examinees are specifically advised that the only candidates for whom this admit card will be valid are those who have taken and passed the sent-up or screening exam. The Bihar Board stated, “Students whose enrollment has been cancelled and those who are not sent, failed, or absent in the sent-up/screening examination will never appear in the said examination.”
The BSEB Matric compartment admit card 2024 can be downloaded by students using the official website,, prior to their compartment exam appearance.
The board requested that applicants pick up their admit cards from the principals of their respective schools and show up at the address listed on the admit card for the BSEB Matric compartment theory and practical tests.